Breathing Exercises and Affirmations for Stress

“Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts.” – Gautama Buddha

Stressed from school, jobs, relationships, etc? Listening to relaxing music, breathing and repeating affirmations are some of the easiest and most effective way to reduce stress in a matter of minutes! Try this music and these exercises on your own or all together to help clear your mind!

Recommended soundtracks

One Hour Digeridoo for Meditation, Healing and Relaxing Music By Pablo Arellano

Into a Mystical Forest ll Enchanted Celtic Music @432 Hz II Nature Sounds by Meditative Mind

Tibetan Healing Sounds : Cleans the Aura and Space By Meditation & Relaxation

Note : Don’t stress if you breath in for too long or out for too long. While the seconds here are personally what I recommended not everyone is going to have the same ability, adjust the exercises to your own pace.

“I inhale the good and exhale the bad”

Exercise 1.) Start by standing up or sitting on the ground with your feet straight in front of you. Inhale for 5-10 seconds while rising your arms up as you inhale, hold for 5. When you release lightly stretch your arms and place them comfortably besides you. Release for 8-10 seconds. Repeat as many times as you want (this movement transitions nicely into #2 if you sit)

Exercise 2.) Lay flat on the ground, have your hands on your diaphragm and slowly fill your stomach with air (8-15 seconds). (I recommend closing your eyes for this exercise). Hold for 3-7 seconds then exhale as slowly as you can. You want to be able to feel your lower lungs (diaphragm) as you exhale. The deeper the breath the better. Not only may this exercise help you relax, experts have found that deeper breathing can help with alertness! So maybe try this exercise before grabbing that shot of espresso.

Exercise 3.) 4-7-8 Breathing. Placing your tongue behind your front teeth exhale for 4 seconds, inhale for 7 and release for 8 keeping your mouth placement. This exercise can be preformed standing or laying on the ground (sitting it fine just make sure your posture is good)

Exercise 4.) Box breathing. Standing up or laying down place your hands in a comfortable position. Breath in for 4 making sure to really use your diaphragm. Hold for 4, then exhale for 4 and repeat.

Interested in affirmations? Say these out loud or write them down shortly after the exercise.

Affirmations are short statements and thoughts that help you be in control of your own consciousness.

“I feel healthy and strong today.”

“Today will be the day I destress letting go of any anxiety that may hold me back”

“I am happy and content with my life.”

“Anxiety may make me uncomfortable but I am in control. I am in control of my mind, body and soul.”

“I am capable of solving any problem that lies ahead of me. I am not afraid of what the universe may throw at me.”

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