Take charge of your college education

You are half way through your first semester of college. Your major may be undeclared or you’re not sure if your current major is the right fit. It is normal to be unsure of what you want to study or which career path you want to follow. In college there are many opportunities for you to explore your options and try new things. Some students switch or don’t even decide their majors until their sophomore year which is okay. 

One way of exploring different interests is by taking classes in different departments. As you complete general education classes, this is a great opportunity to take courses that does not relate to your major or are outside of your comfort zone. 

If you are unsure of which courses are offered at Salem State, check out the course catalog. You can start to see if there are any courses that spark an interest. It can be found at this link https://catalog.salemstate.edu/

Try to discover something you are passionate about. It is important to be open minded and aware of the type of classes you are taking. You may notice you’re taking classes in a specific department leading you to a major. You can even double major or have a minor if you cannot decide. Another way is to speak with a professor and ask them about what they do or you can speak with a first year mentor or a success coach in the First Year Experience Office. Through these connections you are able to talk through courses and major available to you as a student, helping you discover your future plan of study.

First Year Experience Office is located in the Upper North Dining Hall 101A. You can call them at 978-542-2618 or email them at firstyear@salemstate.edu

Your first two semesters of college are important and you should take the opportunity to explore different things offered here at Salem State! You will learn new things and will be challenged, but it will all be worth it in the end. You got this! 

FYM, Kaleesha

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