Get a Part Time Job!

Get a part-time job, preferably doing something that relates to your major. If you can, work in the early morning – you’d probably just be sleeping otherwise. I’ve found that having an on campus job actually helped with my time management while I have been a college student. 

If you can’t find a part-time job that relates to your major, look for a “warm-body” job – one that allows you to do homework while working. Some examples would be working at the desk of the library, the athletic center, or the admissions office. 

happy drag race GIF by Robert E Blackmon

As a college student you may have a hard time balancing school, work, and social life. Having an on campus job does make things a bit easier. One, your on campus and minutes away from your classes. You can go from work and straight to class or the other way around without stressing about travel time. It is possible adjust your schedule around your class schedule but make sure you have enough time in between for lunch or a quick snack. 

Every year Salem State offers positions for summer orientation for incoming students, peer tutors, ambassadors, and many more! These kinds of jobs will build your confidence, leadership and communication skills like none other.

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On-campus jobs offer you the opportunity to work with incredible people, gain experience and build your resume. Job opportunities are posted on the student employment web page. Off-campus jobs are posted on Navigator. When you log into Navigator, click the menu tab, campus life, and then career services. 

At the following link you can find more information about student employment, 

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