Handling the Workload of College

Being in your first semester of college is a very big adjustment from high school. Even at the end of your first semester you may still be struggling to find your groove with assignments flying in left and right. This blog is to give you tips and tricks on how to handle the workload of college.

Create A Study Schedule

One major way to help handle the workload and avoid getting overwhelmed with work would be to set up a study schedule. Setting one up will help you manage all your assignments so you don’t have 20 assignments due tomorrow and get stressed or overwhelmed with the work. I would suggest when you’re making your study schedule to color each course a different color, this way you can see how much you are working on a specific course. You will also want the syllabus for each course out too, this way you can see each assignment, quiz, or exam for each course and when to start working on the work due. Now, not every professor will list each assignment on the syllabus, but most of them will list the important projects and when they’re due, so that is still something to add to your study schedule. When making your schedule, make sure to leave room for your to relax!

Take it a Step at a Time

Don’t try to do everything at once, breathe, and take it one step at a time. Even with your study schedule, you may feel overwhelmed to see all these assignments in one place. You just want to take it one assignment at a time, and make sure to pay attention to what YOU need. I suggest doing the 50-10 rule for studying which is work for 50 minutes, and then take a 10 minute break. This way you aren’t working for 4 hours straight, instead you are working for 50 minutes at a time and pacing yourself with work and rewarding yourself with a break.

Create a To-Do List

You can try to make to-do lists for each day, this way you can see exactly what you want to get done in a day. Make sure to set realistic to-do lists, things that you would actually be able to do in a day. This way you don’t get discouraged not everything got done on your list. Adding to that, remember that its okay for not everything to get done on your to-do list, you’re human not a robot. Things on your to-do list can be like, laundry, dishes, clean your room, etc. it doesn’t need to be fully academic. Adding fun things you want to do on your to-do list is a great way to practice self-care, or even create habits. Just remember it’s okay to make time for yourself and do things for yourself, not just academics!

I hope that these tips help the workload of college seem more manageable, and less overwhelming! If something doesn’t work for you, that’s okay, everyone is different these are things that helped me get through college. Have a great Thanksgiving break!

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