Great Ways to Spend a Snowed-In Day!

As we are getting closer to winter break, we are also getting closer to snow! Snow can not be fun to drive in, but it’s so pretty to look at and makes you want to spend the whole day inside in the warmth. I’m going to tell you some great ways to spend staying in on a snowy day!

Stay in Bed and Watch your Favorite Show or Movie

On a snowy day, it is perfectly acceptable to stay in bed and watch TV all day! I say, cuddle up with a fuzzy blanket, and get a nice warm cup of hot cocoa, or even a warm bowl of soup, and watch your favorite shows or movies! Some of my favorite movies to watch on a snowed in day are any Disney movie, some great ones are Frozen, Aladdin, and Tangled (those are my top 3 to watch).

Do Some Self-Care

Another awesome way to spend snowy days are by practicing some self-care! On a snow day off from school, or even on a snowy day during break, what better way to spend it by doing things that make you happy! For me, it would have to be catching up on hobbies that I haven’t had time for, but if you are looking for some things to do, you can do some face masks, and just relax. You could also decide to learn a new hobby like painting, or anything that peaks your interest!

Read a Book!

Now that you have some free time, why don’t you pick up a book you’ve been meaning to read! This book doesn’t need to be for school, it can just be a personal book you’ve wanted to read for a while. If you don’t have a copy of the book you want to read, but don’t want to run out and get it because the weather is bad, look to see if you can find the e-book version. If you do want to read a book, but still want to be doing things, look up the audiobook, this way you can do things you want to do while listening to the book!

Cook or Bake!

A great way to spend a snowy day is to cook or bake something amazing! Maybe make a batch of your favorite homemade cookies, or make a recipe you’ve been wanting to make for a while. My favorite thing to eat on snowy days are bowls of soup! Nothing sounds better than a warm meal when it’s cold outside.

-FYM Pandorah

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