Setting Goals For the Spring Semester

As the fall semester is ending and you’re preparing for finals, it may be time to start thinking about the goals you would like to achieve next semester. You can start by establishing a specific task you wish to accomplish. A few beneficial reasons for goal setting are motivation, avoiding potential obstacles, new healthy habits, better performance, a way to measure progress, and the ability to reflect for future improvement. 

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To get started make a list of goals in writing. Make a plan and stick to it! Put your thoughts onto paper, using language such as, “I want to…” or “I will…” To keep yourself motivated, make notes of why the goals are important to you, what value is provided by accomplishing the goal? Keep in mind that this is a process that involves action over time. Make these goals visible with a vision board and verbalize them at least once a day. Don’t forget to celebrate and acknowledge each time a goal has been achieved!

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Try using the SMART method. Specific, Measurable, Relevant, Time bound. Your goal must be clear, you must be able to achieve the goal realistically, ensure the goal relates to your overall life plan, set a deadline to ensure a sense of focus. 

Focus on your goals one at a time. Remember that this is a journey, not just the final destination. Developing smaller goals can lead to you larger ones.

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