Resident Winter Break To-Do List

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Hi First-Years,

Victoria's Secret PINK reaction girl what school

This semester has flown by! I’m sure that you’re being kept busy by all of your final assignments, tests etc. BUT for those of you who live on campus, there are some important things you need to do before you officially leave after finals. Your RA’s should go over all of this with you but for your convenience here’s a quick to-do list of what needs to be taken care of before you say goodbye to SSU for the next month.

Hint: Start by getting some of these things checked off now so you won’t be so stressed right before your last day!  

  • Make sure your room/apartment is tidy and clean.
  • The windows should be closed and the shades lowered halfway down (if you live on the first floor of your building the shades need to be down all the way).
  • All trash should be thrown away
  • Your refrigerator (or mini-fridge) can stay plugged in but make sure to throw out anything that will spoil.Remember- you’ll be gone for about a month & 1/2… you don’t want to come back to a moldy fridge!
  •   Unplug all other electronics (such as your microwave, toaster or anything else that requires electricity)

And remember to enjoy winter break!


ignore treat yourself not gonna happen

FYM Patrick


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