Top 5 Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide Episodes

Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide follows the lives of Ned Bigby, Jennifer “Moze” Mosely, and Simon “Cookie” Nelson-Cook, who together work to survive James K. Polk Middle School. Ned’s got all kinds of tips and advice compiled in his very own school survival guide. Let’s just say that this show was one of my favorites to watch when I was younger. So, in my opinion, if you haven’t watched this show, then you should highly consider doing so! To get a jump start on watching this amazing series, I’m going to share with you summaries of my top 5 episodes.

Guide to: Nicknames and Shyness 

Season 2 | Episode 11

Part 1: Shyness
The show starts wit Billy and Suzie now going out, and since they are dating, Suzie and Moze are unable to spend time together, but also Ned no longer has the opportunity to date her. Furthermore, in this episode, the Oboe Twins, who are basically the shyest students in Polk, aren’t open to making new friends. Simultaneously, Cookie starts a shyness seminar. Cookie has his seminar attendees wrestle with “Shyness” (a student named Psycho), but they all quit the seminar and plan to hang out together. Cookie says they passed the seminar and have “Cookie Confidence”.

Tip – Change your look – change your self-image.
Tip – Develop your social skills.
Tip – Scare shyness away by facing your fears.

Part 2: Nicknames
Ned wants a cool nickname. One day he sits in gum and tries to pull it off, only to get called “Wedgiepicker” by one of Loomer’s cronies. He tries to get people to call him “Slam” because he gets slammed into lockers, but instead gets called “Spazz”. Cookie creates a nickname generator which Loomer appreciates and uses. Moze is sick of being called “Moze” and insists on being called “Jennifer”. Cookie likes that Loomer is being nice to him now and creates nicknames for Loomer to taunt other students with.

Tip – Don’t let people know a nickname bothers you.
Tip – If you are stuck with a nasty nickname, talk to your VP.

Guide to: Cell Phones and Woodshop

Season 3 | Episode 12

Part 1: Cell Phones
Ned puts together a schedule where he figures out when he can call Suzie. At the same time, Moze, because she is tired of having the oldest phone in school, gets a new phone; however,she has no idea how it works. She gets a two hundred minute plan for it, because she doesn’t want her cell phone to take over her life. Meanwhile, Cookie wears a jacket with thirty-three cellphones attached to it, in hopes of winning a sports car in a radio contest. Suzie calls Ned just as he’s walking into science class. Suzie asks Ned if he wants her to come back into town on Saturday for a movie just as Sweeney tells Ned to put his phone away. He tries to take Ned’s phone, but Ned protests and yells at Sweeney to leave him alone, making Suzie think he was talking to her.

Tip#302 – Never look at your phone when you should be looking at something else.
Tip#302 – Charge up every night, because you never want a cell phone breakdown during an emergency.

Part 2: Woodshop
After what happened in the previous episode, Ned is determined to keep his relationship with Suzie strong. In art class, Ned makes a very misshapen clay kitty for Suzie. Ned puts it in the kiln, and Cookie asks if he pressed all the air bubbles out of the clay. Ned says no, but isn’t concerned, until the kiln explodes. Until the art class is rebuilt, Crubbs tells them they have to take another elective. Ned and Cookie reluctantly pick woodshop.

Guide to: Money and Parties

Season 3 | Episode 17

Part 1: Money
Ned, Moze, and Cookie want to go the Fig Valley Music Festival, but tickets cost $50 each. They don’t have a lot of cash on them (Ned actually has nothing), so Moze suggests that they make the money by setting up freelance jobs. Seth Powers gives the trio a job by cleaning up his untidy room for his party.

Tip – Need cash fast? Try babysitting, pet care and cleaning services.
Tip – Know what and when you’re being paid.
Tip – Hard work always pays off.

Part 2: Parties
The gang is invited to Seth Powers’ party, only to have Cookie not being allowed in (he almost burned the house down last year after dancing too crazily from a fast song). Ned and Moze enter, and Missy sees Ned. She goes to get drinks and Ned spots Suzie Crabgrass. Seth said he invited her “and she came.” Missy said she would go and tell Suzie that Ned was at the party with her, but Ned told her that he would tell Suzie.

Tip – Dress nicely, but be yourself.
Tip – Keep your breath fresh, avoid stinky foods.
Tip – Get Missy thrown out.

Guide to: Hallways and Friends Moving 

Season 3 | Episode 10

Part 1: Hallways
After Ned gets caught running in the halls after the bell without a pass, he’s made the hall monitor by Sweeney. Loomer and his cronies are about to beat Ned up until they see him with his hall monitor gear. They beg Ned not to bust them, saying they’ll be on hallway cleaning duty for a week. Ned decides to let them go. He starts to let other people slide for not having hall passes. Moze uses her hallway time to talk to Faymen. But after one of her classes, she finds out the hallway to Faymen’s locker is under construction after a water pipe burst. Cookie keeps getting trampled on his way to class, and needs a solution. He comes up with the idea for a hallway traffic segment, like highway traffic on the news.

Tip – Beware of “The Reverse Commute”.
Tip – Find alternate routes if you have a reverse commute.

Part 2: Friends Moving
After Ned’s brief stint as a hall monitor in the previous episode, he now carries a pillow around to soften the blow whenever he gets crashed into in the halls. Moze is happy that Faymen’s English is improving, but then Faymen shows up, saying he’s moving back to Brazil. Ned suggests she ask Faymen why he’s moving. In math class, Evelyn gives Cookie a box, and makes him give it back. She opens it to reveal friendship rings for both of them. Cookie tells her he can’t go out with her because he’s moving to Hawaii. Faymen tells Moze he doesn’t know why his parents want him to come home, but they’re coming at eleven to talk to Crubbs and take Faymen out of school. Moze gets Ned to help her find out what’s going on in that meeting.

Tip- Have a far-away friend? Make “Phone Dates”!
Tip- IM’ing and web cams keep far away friends close.

Guide to: Video Projects and School clubs

Season 2 | Episode 3

Part 1: School Clubs

Part 1: School Clubs

Ned discovers that Missy started a club based on his guide. He must put a stop to it when Missy’s tips involve worshipping the popular kids, agreeing with them all the time, and doing their homework, believing that the best way to survive school is to be popular. Ned tries to sneak into her club to instill some sense in the club members, but is thrown out by Missy’s giant body guards. Moze and Suzie are trying to find a club to join together, but are having trouble deciding. They try Sewing Club, but they just end up competing against each other instead of trying to have fun. 

Tip- Join a school club with a friend so you can hang out together.
Tip – If you don’t like a club, quit it and find another.
Tip – If you don’t find a club you like, start your own.

Part 2: Video Projects
Mr. Monroe assigns his Life Science class a video project. Ned and Cookie are having trouble deciding between their video being a space epic or a ninja movie. Cookie is excited that he gets to direct a movie and Ned wants to act. Moze flips a coin for them to decide what the movie will be about and Ned wins. However, after Cookie and Ned shoot their movie, Ned sees that Cookie has changed it around to make it a space epic like he wanted. Loomer finds embarrassing footage of Martin Qwerly, who signs out the cameras, on the camera he signed out. The footage spreads around school and he gets teased by everyone.

Tip – Keep it short, time is limited.
Tip- Get a jump on the project and start early.
Tip – Quickly erase any embarrassing shots.
Tip – If your opponent wins the coin toss, you must honor it.
Tip – Always click protector tabs on your tapes.

I hope that you check out some of my favorite episodes of Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide! And, thank you for taking the time to read my blog.

– FYM Sam

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