End of Semester Checklist

I don’t know about you, but I feel like I was just moving back on campus yesterday. For me, that was actually at the end of August – about 4 months ago! The Fall semester always seems to fly by for me, but it was even faster this year with remote learning. I usually have my academic life (somewhat) together by this point, but I think we all need a checklist to sort our cluttered minds.

This is a slightly long list, but these are just ideas! Pick and choose from this list to make your own end-of-semester checklist

  1. Make a list for your accomplishments!
    It takes a lot of independence, determination, and focus to be able to complete a semester remotely in this “new world” so reward yourself! Make a list of everything you have accomplished in the past few months – big or small. Here are a few ideas:
    – Made (unofficial) Dean’s List: 3.2 GPA or higher with 12+ credits
    – Turned in all assignments on time
    – Attended all Zoom/in-person classes
    – Took time for yourself at least once a week
  2. Make a list for your to-do tasks
    The semester isn’t over yet! Check your syllabi and Canvas to write down all assignments (and finals) that are due over the next few weeks. Don’t forget to add the due dates!
  3. Create study schedule for Finals!
    Your final may be an exam or a long paper, so prepare for them! Make a schedule or at least a goal (e.g “3 hours a day on [insert subject/final here]”) for every final exam/paper/project you have.
  4. Return Textbook Rentals
    Self-explanatory but very important! No one likes late fees.
  5. Think about Pass/No Pass!
    Now that you have a general idea of your grades, think about if you want to take any classes as a Pass/No Pass. To clarify, if you were to take a Pass/No Pass, a Pass is anything “D” or above while No Pass is a F but it does not affect your GPA! Note: You will not receive the credits for a No Pass. Don’t forget that some classes do not have the P/NP option. For more info: https://ask.salemstate.edu/kb/fall-2020-passno-pass-policy-faq
  6. Set Goals for Next Semester
    Now that you have an idea of how you handle remote classes, set goals for next semester to help you succeed next semester. These goals can be habits that you have developed this semester that worked well or new habits that may benefit you.
  7. Email Your “Favorite” Professors
    Do you have a professor that you have always looked forward to talking to? Send them an email to let them know how much you have enjoyed the class and appreciate them! It sounds cheesy, but it’s a small gesture that means a lot. The same goes for anyone – librarian, maintenance, University Police, your RA, desk staff, dining hall employees, the list goes on. If you see them, let them know that you appreciate them.
  8. COVID test 🙂
    For those living on campus, you’re going home to family! It’s important to get tested for COVID-19 before you leave the campus. Getting tested once a week is now required for residents, but it doesn’t hurt to get one as close as possible to the day you leave for winter break.
    For commuters/completely remote, still get tested! Even if you’ve been around those in your household all semester, there’s no harm in getting tested.

I hope you have an idea of how you want your end-of-semester checklist! Good luck on finals and Happy Holidays! -FYM Marita

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